“The Great Defibrillator is what I am calling this book. It is causing our Assyrian hearts to beat with hope once again. Dr. Ron appears like our modern-day Jonah—a prophet raised up by God for this hour in history.
“After so many persecutions, Genocides and broken promises, I like so many of our people, have truly come to a place where no human belongs, a state of hopelessness, concerning our plight as a nation. Then comes along a messenger of God, with a reminding message from the One whom we have believed, served and died for since the beginning. I speak, of course, of the Lord Jesus Christ.
“I not only endorse this book, but I believe that it is the answer to our prayers and the revival needed for our people. Glory be to God, the keeper of His promises and His servant Ron, who has submitted to the Will of his Master.
—Fr. George Bet-Rasho
Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East,
St. Mary's Parish, Los Angeles
"I think that this book will reach from the White House all the way to Buckingham Palace and beyond because it is a revolutionary idea based upon a righteous cause. Dr. Susek, in The Assyrian Prophecy, builds our case based upon biblical authority. His research leads to irrefutable conclusions. Whoever disagrees with them will be opposing the almighty God’s project.
"An awakening has started from Dr. Susek’s literary achievement, which appeared suddenly and unexpectedly from the “unknown.” He has risen to become a voice of the bereaved Assyrian nation. We have been trying for decades, even centuries to be heard with no results. Now, Dr. Susek has come in a different way, building our case from a biblical perspective, and faith is stirring anew.”
—Ashur Giwargis
Chairman of Assyria Patriotic Movement (APM)
Lebanon / Germany
“Ron Susek has authored a book that must be read! Read this book and be reminded that God’s work endures. Read this book and be reassured that God’s promises are true. Read this book and be prepared to repent and pray, “God, if I perish I perish’ but what would You have me give and do?”
—Everett Piper, Ph.D
Best-selling author, columnist and speaker
Former university president
In engaging fashion, my good friend Ron Susek weaves us through history, current events, and future implications of the remarkably resilient Assyrian people and their place in God’s plan. This to me brings to light an aspect of Isaiah’s prophetic promises rarely considered in our era.
—Dr. Peter Teague, President Emeritus
Lancaster Bible College
“I am awestruck by Dr. Ron Susek’s courage to write this riveting book on the Assyrians, an ancient people who have given so much to the world and yet have remained in the shadows of history. The Assyrian Prophecy is draped in antiquity, inviting the reader to revisit one of the most important verses in the book of Isaiah. The Assyrian Prophecy inspires, encourages, and majestically gives hope for a future, one which leads all nations to God.”
—Juliana Taimoorazy
Founder of Iraqi Christian Relief Council
“The Assyrian Cause of which Dr. Susek writes, speaks to the fulfillment of one of the great prophecies of the Bible. It cannot, therefore, be separated from the Gospel message of the Great Commission. It is part of God’s overall redemptive plan for humanity.”
—Bishop Danisa Ndlovu
Former Brethren in Christ Bishop of Zimbabwe
Former President of the Mennonite World Conference
Current Global Director of FaithWalk Ministries International
" I would not be surprised to see what Ron Susek talks about in this book appear in international headlines in the near future. As an evangelist, my heart soared to read about the ancient missionary passion of the Assyrian people. As I read this book, I discovered amazing truths about their history that will continue to inspire anyone who believes in the Great Commission. Every prophecy in the Bible will come true and I was delighted to see that God still has a plan for the heart of the Middle East. If you want to know what is coming, you need to read The Assyrian Prophecy."
—Dr. Daniel King
Co-Founder of Global Media and Beyond
Missionary Evangelist, www.kingministries.com
“Ron Susek has written a prophetic book that shows us a pattern of God’s people being attacked but not extinguished. The Assyrian Prophecy is a pattern that God often shows throughout the Scripture, and His Word will come to pass. When God uses a prophet to release a Word it will be tried by the forces of darkness, but it will prevail.”
—Dr. Clinton Baker
Author of Dream to Destiny, Founder of Valiant Ministries,
Co-Founder of Global Media and Beyond
"The Assyrian Prophecy will grab your attention and grip your heart. I confess my woeful ignorance on the subject matter presented here and repent of it. I was moved to tears as I read the stories of many of my brothers and sisters in Christ who were and are persecuted so savagely because of their faith. At points my tears turned to a sickening anger, more than that, it caused me to pray, to pray for my persecuted brethren and to ask our Father, ‘What can I do?’ This is the point of the book to inform you and make you aware of a grave injustice that is within our power to change. And to make us ask the question, what will we do to change this for the cause of our Christian family and for our King, Jesus Christ? Read prayerfully and receive the call to action from the author and hear the cry of the Assyrians beseeching the Christian community to help.”
—Rev. Jim Morrison, Bishop, Senior Pastor
Jackson Church of God, Jackson, MI
"The wonderful work done by Dr. Ron reveals the suffering and injustice the Assyrians have endured for many centuries. Although the normal attitude is the hope of peace for these people, it is not possible to have peace unless injustice is eliminated. The Assyrian Prophecy is an eye-opening book that has stirred me to pray and do all that I can to see the Assyrian people justly resettled in their ancient homeland as a sovereign nation at peace."
—His Honor, Repeat Samuel, deceased
Associate Justice
Chuuk State Supreme Court
Federated States of Micronesia
“As Assyrians, we believe that the Scripture is the true word of God, therefore, all prophecies will be fulfilled in accordance to God’s time table. The attention paid by Dr. Ron Susek to the Assyrian cause has touched my heart and will touch the hearts of many Assyrians. This is due to the fact that it addresses the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy which brings hope to a nation that has suffered so much for its belief. The Assyrian nation deserves its own sovereignty, through the reclaiming of its ancient land, known by its Creator as the land between two rivers.
“I pray and believe that this work will be a turning point for we Assyrian people. The Assyrian nation is the cradle of civilization, being credited as the first nation to believe in Christ.”
—Chorbishop Athanasis Toma
The Ancient Church of the East
Marshaleeeta Parish
Los Angeles, California
“I have known Dr. Ron Susek as a trusted and humble friend. We worked together on special projects when I was Governor of Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia. Dr. Susek’s book, The Assyrian Prophecy, is a true testament of his passion and courageous determination to inspire God’s love and justice for all humanity. It is easy to read and invigorating. I am distinctively honored and humbled to endorse this book.”
—Ansito Walter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Public Administration,
University of Guam-School of Business and Public Administration
Former Governor, Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia
“As a full-blooded Assyrian-American, I am amazed and overwhelmed in reading Ron Susek’s inspired book about Assyria and Assyrians. My Assyrian blood was boiling, and my soul was touched.”
—Rev. John Booko
Retired Pastor of the Riverside Church in 3 Rivers, MI
“Through in-depth research and with evangelistic fervor my good friend, Ron Susek, presents a challenge involving a wounded nation, Assyria, with the Biblical hope that will rekindle and revitalize a future that is grounded in scripture leading to the fulfillment of God's prophetic plan and purpose. I personally look forward to the unwrapping of this biblical prophecy that will provide an umbrella of blessing for Assyrian believers that will spread throughout the world. I encourage readers to understand the biblical basis for this book and heed the challenge to rise-up to help a group that has unfortunately been overlooked. Thank you, Ron, for this work, and I prayerfully encourage followers of Christ to rise in prayer and activity to this challenge.”
—Dino J. Pedrone, D. Min.
Founder and President of DPM ministries and Foundation
“Our Assyrian nation is passing through one of our darkest periods since the fall of Nineveh in 612 B.C. ISIS’ recent assault on our homeland has affected this tired and wounded nation significantly, blunting the hope of the most optimistic activists for Assyria’s future. In The Assyrian Prophecy, Dr. Ron Susek has revitalized our hope to see God raise us from the ashes of history to fulfill His prophetic purpose.”
—Dr. Sargoun Issa, M.D.
Co-founder and Board Member of
American Mesopotamian Organization
Restore Nineveh Now Foundation
For many centuries, we Assyrians have endured many persecutions and genocidal acts, all because of our commitment to Christ. Our relentless cries for help have often gone unheard. Dr. Ron Susek, however, heard our cry and is working to deliver our message to the rest of the world. I have known Dr. Ron since he started working on this masterpiece. I believe this book may open the way for Isaiah’s prophecy about us to move toward fulfillment.
—Sabri Atman
Founder and Director of Seyfo: The Assyrian Genocide and Research Center
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